Saturday, September 13, 2014

Day 5-Perugia & Deruta +parade, 9-13-14

We left early after breakfast (I'm feeling a lot better) for Perugia.  This ancient hill town has the most excellent views you will ever see, and we visited the National Museum, strolled the ancient streets, visited their church, and rode up to this town in an automated mini tram (like a ski lift almost).  I don't know how anyone would get up there in olden days. Afterwards we visited Deruta, famous the world over for their ceramics. We'll have dinner shortly, then go to an annual festival parade where they will be wearing medieval garb.
The parade was great, crowds and crowds of people milling around walking up and down the parade route until it started. It was an annual celebration festival of the towns history.  All the participants wear thoroughly researched clothing of spectacular design and construction probably worn by their families (and royalty) dating to the Middle Ages--drummers, horn players, outfits were more beautiful than I could have imagined and everyone played their part with hair, beards, horses, dogs, bulls, hawks and owls.
Spoiler Alert:  Everyone will tell you that I took a ton of photos at the parade, so many that I'll put up a separate post about the parade pictures.  I did try to keep them to a minimum, but there are probably a little over 40.  Check out that separate page. I'll call it, Day 5 - Foligno Parade.  (The numbers of the days are counted for my trip, you may have arrived later.)

Deruta park with ceramic benches

Deruta Plaza

This is a big (4 ft.) table top.

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